Tales 109 (Zrana Luka Split, Croatia, August 2021), 2022, 7-c prints, frame, cm 27 x 22 x 2 (cad. / each.)
Tales 108 (Es Colomer, Mallorca, Spain, October 2021), 2022, 5 c-prints, frame, cm 27 x 22 x 2 (cad. / each.)
Tales 106 (Uemo, Taiko City, Tokyo), 2022 2 digital prints, framed, cm 27 x 22 x 2 (cad. / each.)
Two Works, 2020, exhibition view Musée d’art et d’archéologie Aurillac, FR
Tales 105, 2020, Itadori River, Seki, Gifu-ken, Japan, July 2019 21 framed c-prints, cm 25.5 x 20.5, detail - exhibition view Musée d’art et d’archéologie Aurillac, FR
The Infinite Library, 2020, exhibition view Fabra i Coats, Centre d'Art Contemporani, Barcelona, ES, a collaboration with Haris Epaminonda
Portraits, 2020, exhibition view, SpazioA, Pistoia
John, 2020, text on paper, original letter, Kodak c-print taken by Apollo 11 crew, cm 61 x 48 x 3 - cm 68 x 53 x 3 - cm 61 x 48 x 3
Laika, 2020, thirty-three stamps, engraved text on two concrete slabs / concrete slabs : cm 29 x 21 x 1 - cm 15 x 21 x 1 / frames : cm 50 x 38 x 4 each
Millvina, 2020, signed photograph, found map, text on paper, cm 31 x 25 x 3 - cm 123 x 97 x 4 - cm 61 x 48 x 3
Michael, 2020, Kodak Ektachrome EF film lithograph, text on paper, cm 61 x 48 x 3 - cm 58 x 46 x 3
Edmund, 2020, three signed photographs, cm 68.5 x 49 x 3 each
San Marco, 2020, c-print, text on paper, cm 61 x 48 x 4 - cm 61 x 44 x 4
Moon, 2020, four leatherbound books, cm 24 x 18 x 4 each
10th FotoBookFestival, 2018, installation view, Documentahalle, Kassel, Germany
10th FotoBookFestival, 2018, detail, Documentahalle, Kassel, Germany
Eleven Works, 2018, installation view, Sies + Höke, Düseldorf, Germany
Eleven Works, 2018, detail, Sies + Höke, Düseldorf, Germany
Five Works, 2017, detail, Verksmiðjan, Hjalteri, Iceland
Five Works, 2017, exhibition view, Verksmiðjan, Hjalteri, Iceland
A River, 2017, C-print, cm 178 x 152
Tales (Serfopoula, Aegean Sea, June 2015), 2017, 4 C-prints, cm 25 x 21 each
Tales (Serfopoula, Aegean Sea, June 2015), 2017, 4 C-prints, cm 25 x 21 each, detail
Coasts, 2016, 6 sound recordings from ongoing series, 2000 - 2016, variable durations. Installation view at Art Basel Parcours
Coasts, 2016, 6 sound recordings from ongoing series, 2000 - 2016, variable durations, detail
October, 2015, film, HD, 21'00''
October, 2015, film, HD, 21'00''
Seventeen, 2015, exhibition view, Kunstverein Nürnberg, Germany
Seventeen, 2015, exhibition view, Kunstverein Nürnberg, Germany
Tales (Chräzerenwald, Appenzell, Switzerland, November 2013), 2014, 6 C-prints, cm 25 x 21 each
IX, 2013, three iron objects, various sizes
Fish, 2012 dOCUMENTA (13), Kassel, DE
dOCUMENTA(13), 2012, Kassel, in collaboration with Haris Epaminonda, installation view
dOCUMENTA(13), 2012, Kassel, in collaboration with Haris Epaminonda, installation view
Carte du Ciel I, 2012, C-print, cm 134 x 112
Tales (Chräzerenwald, Appenzell, Switzerland, November 2013), 2014, 6 C-prints, cm 25 x 21 each, detail
dOCUMENTA(13), 2012, Kassel, in collaboration with Haris Epaminonda, installation view
Works, 2012, exhibition view, Kunsthaus Glarus, Switzerland
VI, 2012, iron stick, cm 212 x 1 x 1

• Nineteen Works, SpazioA, Pistoia, IT

Objects, Galeria Vera Cortes, Lisbon, PT

• Portraits (and so castels made of sand melt into the sea eventually), Galeria Vera Cortes, Lisbon, PT
• Daniel Gustav Cramer, Dumont Gallery, Los Angeles, USA

• Recent Tales, Musée d’art et d’archéologie in Aurillac, FR
• The Infinite Library, Fabra i Coats, Barcelona, ES
• Portraits, SpazioA, Pistoia, IT

• Selected Books and Publications, Florence Loewy, Paris, FR
• Selected Books and Publications, Motto, Berlin, DE
• Selected Books and Publications, Grid #5, Milano, IT

• Eleven Works, Sies + Höke Galerie, Düsseldorf, DE
• Four Works, Tongewölbe T25, Ingolstadt, DE

• Fourteen Works, Vera Cortes, Lissabon, P
• Five Works, Verksmiðjan, Hjalteri, IS
• An Autumn Afternoon, Sperling, Munich, DE (with Haris Epaminonda)
• Five Days, Entrée, Berlin, DE
• Sand,GREY NOISE, Dubai, UAE (with Joana Escoval)

• Nineteen, curated by Neringa Bumbliené, CAC Contemporary Art Centre, Vilnius, LT
• The Infinite Library / Haris Epaminonda, CAC Seville, ES
• Rainbow curated by Andrea Mihaljevic and Stefan Hoesl, E-Werk Freiburg, DE

• eventeen, invited by Simone Neuenschwander, Kunstverein Nürnberg, DE
• Three, curated by Lukas Toepfer, Kunstsaele Berlin, DE
• Sixteen Works, BolteLang Galerie, Zurich, CH
• Vila du parc, curated by Garance and Aurelien Mole, Cente d´art contemporain, Annemasse, FR
• The View Pavilion, Sant´Ilario, invited by Francesco Garutti & Vittorio Dapelo, IT

• Daniel Gustav Cramer – 3 1/2, curated by Lukas Töpfer, Kunstwerke, Berlin, DE (publication)
• Fifteen Works, Sies + Höke, Düsseldorf, DE (publication)
• 01-72, SALTS, Basel, Switzerland, CH (publication)
• Tales, Vera Cortes, Lisboa, P (publication)
• Works (Three Days), solo presentation at Art Basel Hong Kong, CHN
• XVI – Vestibule, Merrion Square, Dublin, IR (publication)

• Kunsthalle Mulhouse, curated by Sandrine Wymann, FR
• Christophe Daviet-Thery, Paris, FR
• alts, Basel, curated by Samuel Leuenberger, Switzerland, CH

• Kunsthaus Glarus, curated by Anja Casser, Switzerland, CH
• Badischer Kunstverein, Karlsruhe, Germany, DE (publication)
• Kunsthalle Lissabon, with Haris Epaminonda, Lisbon, Portugal, P (publication)

• Thirteen Works, BolteLang, Zurich, CH

• Eight Works – Dortmunder Kunstverein, curated by Verena Titze, Dortmund, DE (publication)
• Late Autumn, Samsa, with Haris Epaminonda, curated by Susanne Prinz, Berlin, DE
• Six Works – The Return, curated by Kevin Kirwan, Dublin, IR (publication)
• The Infinite Library at Museo di Palazzo Poggi, Biblioteca Universitaria, curated by Luca Cerizza, Bologna, IT (∞)

• Twelve Works – Vera Cortes, Lisbon, P
• Haris Epaminonda & Daniel Gustav Cramer, Galerie BolteLang, Zurich, CH
• Saturn – Jerwood Room. Lady Margaret Hall. Oxford, UK

• The Infinite Library Book #14 – showing with BolteLang, Zürich at Nada, Miami,USA (∞)

• Daniel Gustav Cramer, Vera Cortes, Lisbon, P
• Four Photographs, Goethe Institute London, UK (catalogue)
• Mountain, Domobaal, London, UK

• Trilogy – Galeria Carla Sozzani. Milan, IT
• Daniel Gustav Cramer & Haris Epaminonda – Pharos CCA, Nicosia, CY
• Underwater, Domobaal, London, UK

• Empfang, Galerie van der Grinten. Cologne, DE
• Woodland, Casa D´Os Dias Da Agua. Lisboa. P (catalogue)
• New Photographs, Goethe Institute Lisboa, P
• Walk!, Simlagid, Akureyri, IS


2020 Residency am Sitterwerk, St Gallen,CH

2018 Residency Point CCA Nicosia, CY

2014 Residency at The View, Genova, IT

2010 RWE Stiftung Grant

Arts Council England Oxford Melbourne Fellowship 2009
Kunststiftung NRW Stipendium 2009

Einladung für Residency, Fermynwood Arts Foundation, England
Shortlisted for Deutsche Börse Photography Award 2008
Shortlisted for MAN group Award 2007

2006 Candidate for Förderpreis, Westfälischer Kunstverein

Jerwood Photography Award London/ Edinburgh
Kunststiftung NRW Projektstipendium “Casa d´os Dias da Agua” Portugal.
Scolarship, Gil – Society Akureyri. Island

pre – selection Residency Pépinières européennes pour jeunes artistes – Ipotesti. Romania
pre – selection New Contemporaries 2004
pre – selection Residency Rijksakademie Amsterdam

New Contemporaries 2003, London/ Manchester
Guardian Hodge Award Exhibition. London

2002 Shortlisted for Förderpreis Westfälischer Kunstverein

#SLOW #STOP…#THINK #MOVE, curated by Ana Anacleto, Culturgest, Porto, PT
Der Raum überwindet Zeit und Mensch, Galerie im Turm, Berlin, DE

• Nu Falmer Skoven, curated by Lene Crone Jensen, Skovhuset Museum, Værløse, DK
• Science Fiction, une proposition de Laurent Montaron, Curiox, centre d’art et de rencontres, Ugine, FR
• A Black Tinted Sunset, Galerie Martine Aboucaya, Paris, FR
• Soft Machines, curated by Justin D Polera, Hua International, Berlin, DE
• Manifesta 14, curated by Catherine Nichols, Prishtina, Kosovo
• Collections croisées, photographies du Frac Auvergne, du Cnap et du Musée d’art et d’archéologie d’Aurillac, Les Ecuries, Aurillac, FR
• Re-appearing Imaginaries, curated by Samuel Leuenberger, Misk Art Institute, Riyadh, SA
• Zijn naam was Austerlitz/Austerlitz was his name, a collaboration with Tlön Projects, curated by Sam Steverlynck, A Tale of a Tub, Rotterdam, NL
• Missing…, at Martine Aboucaya, Paris, FR

• I, initiated by Konstantin Haubrok, haubrok foundation, Berlin, DE
• Understudies: I, Myself Will Exhibit Nothing, curated by Iman Issa, KunstWerke Berlin, DE
•  Lost Weekend, an exhibition in two spaces: Yvon Lambert libraire éditeur and Galerie Allen, Paris, FR
•  Gabes Cinema Fen, Gabes, Tunesia
• How to disappear…, Collection Lambert, Avignon, FR
• «Not all houses are home, J’habite une pivoine», a collective exhibition according to a curatorial by David Pons for Gros OEuvre, La maison du gardien, Valence, ES
• Tine Guns, Inge Ketelers & Isolde Vanhee: Bioscopic Books with publicationsselected by Liene Aerts, Kunsthal Ghent, BE
• Les Tiroirs Du Temps de Jaques Roubaud, Martine Aboucaya, Paris, FR
• When in Doubt, Go to a Museum, curated by Tevž Logar, City Museum of Ljubljana, SLO

• Le marbre et le sang. Regard sur la collection IAC, curated by Katinka Bock, H2M – Espace d’art contemporain, Bourg-en-Bresse, FR
• Oblique Strategies/ Part I, Martine Aboucaya, Paris, FR
• Oblique Strategies/ Part II, Martine Aboucaya, Paris, FR
• Ich schlafe. GAK Bremen, DE

• Collection à l’étude: Chaosmose, Institut d’art contemporain, Villeurbanne/Rhône-Alpes, FR
• Use of time, École Nationale Supérieure de la Photographie, Arles, FR
• The other side of the Wind, Galerie Martine Aboucaya, Paris, FR
• The lsland Club, Limassol, CY
• Hypermaremma, Act One, Mare Mare, Capalbio, IT
• Modell und Ruine, Werkleitz Festival, Dessau, DE
• Le Marbre et le Sang, IAC Villeurbanne. H2M Espace d’art contemporain, FR
• Constellations: A choreography of minor gestures, Museo Colecçao Berardo, Lisboa, P

• Multitudinous Sea, Fondation Hippocrène, Paris, FR
• Coasts II, OGR – Officine Grandi Riparazioni, Torino, IT
• Tlön Projects – Act II, Toussaintkade 49, The Hague, The NL
• Look up at the Sky, Sala Muncunill, Terrazza, ES
• cooperation, ad/ad, Hannover, DE
• P0th FotoBookFestival, Kassel, DE
• je marche, j’ouvre une porte, je ferme une porte, Kasteel Wijlre, Wijlre, NL
• Deutschland ist keine Insel, Bundeskunsthalle, Bonn, DE
• Seven Exhibitions, Brandenburgischer Kunstverein, Potsdam, DE
• Flatland, Nogueras Blanchard, Madrid, ES
• Because the Night, Musée départemental d’art contemporain de Rochechouart, FR
• Raymond, Grand Hotel et Les Palmes, Palermo, IT
• Soziale Fassaden, MMK1 – Museum für Moderne Kunst Frankfurt, DE
• A l’occasion des 24h du Temps, Musée du Temps, Besançon, FR

• Habit-co-Habit / Pune Biennale, Pune, IND
• Where and When, Galeria Pedro Cera, Lisboa, P
• XoXo, Soy Capitan, Berlin, DE
• Originalcopy, Angewandte Innovation Laboratory – AIL, Vienna, A
• montag ou la bibliothèque à venir, frac franche-comté, besançon, FR
• L’air vibre du bourdonnement des insectes, Musée départemental d’art contemporain de Rochechouart, FR
• Vanishing, Martine Aboucaya Galerie, Paris, FR
• The Middle Line, LiMac, Madrid, ES
• Strange Days, FRAC Ile de France, Paris, FR
• Freiheit, die ich meine, MEWO Kunsthalle Memmingen, DE
• A map they could all understand” (The Hunting of the Snark, Lewis Carroll), Albert Baronian Gallery, Brussels, B
• The Arcades: Contemporary Art and Walter Benjamin, The Jewish Museum, New York, USA
• La vie mode d’emploi, Centre d’Art Contemporain Chanot, FR
• Original Fake, Maisterravalbuena, Madrid, ES
• Look up at the Sky, Espaidos, Terrassa, ES

• Pavilion Suite, Palazzo Durazzo-Cattaneo Adorno, Genova, IT
• Farewell to an Idea, curated by Jaromir Hladik, Plattenpalast, Berlin, DE
• Eppur si muove – Art and technique, Mudam Luxemburg
• Aquisitions Recentes, Frac Franche-Comté, Besançon, FR
• Madeleine, curated by insitu, Berlin, DE
• Overseas, curated by Galini Notti, The American College of Greece, Athens, GR
• Examining the Bench, Micro Onde, centre d’art de l’Onde, Vélizy-Villacoublay, FR
• N(v)otre H(h)istoire, Centre d´Art Bastille, Grenoble, FR
• Projective Ornament, Garcia Galeria, Madrid, ES
• Viaja y no lo escribas, curated by Carolina Jiménez Vázquez, La Casa Encendida, Madrid, ES
• The World Preserves The Memory Of All Past Traces, Centro de Arte Alcobendas, Madrid, ES

• Terra Incognita, curated by Doreothee Mosters, KIT, Kunsthalle Düsseldorf, DE
• Altered Spaces, curated by Art&Idea, Goethe Institut Barcelona, ES
• Reliability of Recognition, BolteLang Galerie, Zurich, CH
• Accadrà Domani, curated by Gregorio Magnani, Museo Marino Marini, Florence, IT
• Unendliche Bibliothek, curated by Alexandra Blättler, Alte Frabrik, Rapperswill-Jona, DE
• Construire une Collection, Villa Paloma, NMNM, Monaco, MC
• Symphonic Node, curated by pick nick, CY
• Old News (again), curated by Jacob Fabricius, Cneai, Chatou, FR
• Phenomenon, Collection Kerenidis Pepe, Anafi, GR
• Waterbound, curated by Rasmus Kleine, Museum Kallmann Ismaning, Munich, DE
• Meeting Point, curated by Axel Lapp, Kunstverein Konstanz, DE
• Christophe Daviet-Thery exhibits, Daniel Gustav Cramer´s publications, Wiels Art Book Fair, B
• ASP Fair, London, invited by Dan Mitchell & Sara MacKillop, ICA London, UK
• Aegvõte, curated by Anna Laarits, Kunsthalle Tallinn, EST
• By Boat (Farewell), curated by Adam Carr, JoseGarcia, Mexico City, MEX
• Stranger than Paradise, curated by Gesine Borchardt, Sies + Höke, Düsseldorf, DE
• Courtesy of SALTS, invited by Samuel Leuenberger, Birsfelden, CH
• Friends with Books, solo presentation by Christophe Daviet-Thery, Hamburger Bahnhof, Berlin, DE

• Der große Abplatter, Nicolas Kupp Gallery, Basel, CH
• Stills – Fotofocus Biennal 2014, Lowe Gallery, Cincinnati, USA
• A Cote, en Deca, au Dela, DIX 291, Paris, FR
• Words tend to be Inadequate, Pearl LAm Galleries, Shanghai, CHN
• Open Corner, curated by Martha Mantecon & Wendy Navarro, Biblioteca CNC, Santander, ES
• Library Vaccine, curated by Gregorio Magnani, Artists Space, New York, USA
• Intermezzo 7, curated by Svein Fannar Johannsson, Demons Mouth, Oslo, N
• Idiorhytmie – an experiment, Frappant, Hamburg, DE
• Wenn wir Dich nicht sehen, Huiz Fraenkdahl Fondation, Amsterdam, NL
• Uma Conversa Infinita, Museo Coleçao Berardo, Lisbon, P
• (On)zichtbare Kracht, curated by A. Ramselaar, IK-island, NL
• La Poetica della Meraviglia, curated by Ilaria Gianni, Furini Arte, Arezzo, IT
• Stadtbiotop 2014, a project by BolteLang, Zurich, CH
• Konstellationen, invited by Juli Eirich, f5.6, Munich, DE
• Dreams that Money can´t buy, CURA, Museo delle Arti del XXI, Roma, IT
• Observations, curated by Vladimir Vidmar, Skuc, Ljubljana, SLO
• 12 Cuenca Bienal, curated by Jacopo Crivelli Visconti & Manuela Moscoso, EC
• Solution de Continué, curated by Sylvie Zavatta, Frac Franche Comté, FR
• Everything is about to Happen, Corvi Mora & greengrassi, UK
• Der Grosse Abplatter, Nicolas Krupp, Basel, CH
• Roving Room, curated by Cori Williams and Kely Kaczynski, Habersham Mills, Georgia, USA
• Pearl Lam Galleries, Shanghai, CHN

• Suicide Narcissus, curated by Hamza Walker, The Renaissance Society, Chicago, USA
• The Unicorn, curated by Reto Thüring, The Cleveland Museum of Art, USA
• Frankfurter Kunstverein, curated by Antje Krause-Wahl, DE
• Oltremare, Vistamare, Pescara, curated by Luca Cerizza, IT
• Fig.1 Paesaggio, SpazioA, Pistoia, IT
• The Mirage is History, The Cinemateque, Vancouver, CDN
• 3137, curated by Galini Notti, Athens, GR
• Florence Loewy, Paris, FR
• The Time Machine, Frutta Gallery, Rome, IT
• AB, Nomas Foundation, Rome, IT
• Kunsthalle Emden, Germany
• Rowing, curated by Nicole Bachmann & Ruth Beale, London, UK
• IAC FRAC, Villeurbanne/Rhône-Alpes, curated by Laurent Montaron, FR
• Traveller – A visual journey. Tent, Rotterdam, NL
• Balises, Piano Nobile, Geneve, CH
• Jahresgaben, Badischer Kunstverein, Karlsruhe, DE

• dOCUMENTA(13), curated by Carolyn Christoph-Bakargiev, Kassel, DE
• Le Silence. Une Fiction. MNMN, Monaco, curated by Simone Menegoi, MC
• Prompts & Triggers: Surplus Authors, Witte de With, Rotterdam, NL
• From Stavanger with Love. Curated by Chris Sharp, Galerie Opdahl, Stavanger, N
• Salon Light #9, invited by Christophe David-Thery, Palais de Tokyo, Paris, FR
• Balises, curated by Isaline Vuille Piano Nobile, Geneve, CH
• Libretto VI, curated by Irmavep, Archivio di Stato, Torino, IT
• In absent Places we Dwell, Piano Nobile, Geneve, CH
• Let us keep our own moon. West Gallery, Den Haag, NL
• Personal effectsonsale, Esprit Nouveau Pavilion, Paris, FR
• An Impossible Distance, curated by David Horvitz, Border, Mexico City, MEX
• The Traveller, Tent, Rotterdam, NL
• Pos na ftiaxeis ena kipo, Nicosia, CY
• A Photograph, curated by Stuart Bailes, 401 Contemporary, Berlin, DE
• Gotham City, invited by Sonja Weckenmann, Hamburg, DE

• The night life guide, University Bonn, History of Arts Department, DE
• Livret III, Motive Gallery, Amsterdam, NL
• Decreation, Westspace, Melbourne, AUS
• Repeat until further precision is impossible. Forde, Geneve, CH
• Publishing as Performance, South London Gallery, London, UK
• Staging the Archive, Museo de Arte Contemporânea de Elvas, P+
• Underwater, Tullie House Museum & Art Gallery, UK
• Wilhelm Reich/ Ayn Rand, Essays & Observations, Berlin, DE
• Salons de lecture/ Reading rooms, La Kunsthalle Mulhouse, FR
• Livret I, curated by Irmaveb Club, Schleicher & Lange, Paris, FR

• End Note, Tanya Leighton, Berlin, Germany, DE
• Il Tavolo, Nomas Foundation, Roma, IT
• Man in the Dark, Woodmill, London, UK
• What Sticks, BolteLang Galerie, Zurich, CH
• The Page, Kimmerich, New York, USA
• The Rest is History, Mike Potter Projects, Berlin, DE
• Archive Kabinett, Berlin, DE
• The Art of Camo, Cardi Black Box, Milano, IT
• Underwater, Towner Gallery, Eastbourne & Spacex, Exeter, UK
• Welten, Forum Factory, Berlin, DE
• Drugstore Beetle, Raid Projects, Los Angeles, USA
• Little Big Press, Fotoleggendo, Roma, IT
• Jahresgabe 2010, Museum Schloss Moyland, DE
• A Library of Silent Gaps and Documents. STUK Arts Centre, B
• Out Book, Spoleto, Palazzo Mauri, IT
• Kosmetiksalon Babette, Berlin, DE
• Cf. Art et Essay, Rennes, FR
• Can I paint you a picture, Morgan Arcade, Cardiff, UK
• Landschaft ohne Horizont, Stiftung Museum Moyland, DE
• Waldbild, Städische Galerie Waldkraiburg, DE
• Welten. Forum Factory, Berlin, DE
• Highlights. Meisterwerke der Sammlung. Kunsthalle Emden, DE
• The Mystics – Civicroom, London, UK
• Labyrinth 09. Konsthall Botkyrka, S
• Imaginário da Paisagem, CAV, Coimbra, P

• Heaven – Athens Biennale – curated by Nadja Argyropoulou, Athens, GR
• Blind Spot Lab -Anthology Film Archives. New York, USA
• Its not for reading – Its for making. FormContent. London, UK
• Six Degrees of Separation – Mehdi Chouakri, Berlin, DE
• Happy Interval – Tulips and Roses, Vilnius, LT
• The Infinite Library & Falk Haberkorn – Klemms – Berlin, DE
• Zweckgemeinschaft – curated by Art at Work. Micamoca, Berlin, DE
• The Garden of Forking Paths – Maisterravalbuena Gallery. curated by Lattitudes, Madrid, ES
• Kunsthaus Brn, curated by A.Domesle, CZ
• Mimes – curated by Christoph Marinos. Kalfayian Galleries, Athens, GR
• Exposicao #04. Espaco BES Arte, Lisboa, P
• Journey to the surface of the Earth – RBG Melbourne, AUS

• Playtime – Betonsalon. curated by Melanie Beautecoup, Paris, FR
• Berlin Biennale 5.When things cast no Shadows – curated by Adam Szymczyk & Elena Filipovic,
• works part of an installation of Haris Epaminonda, Berlin, DE
• A Principle of Assumptions, curated by Ben Austin, Rodeo Gallery, Istanbul, TR
• After Dark – Louis Blouin Foundation, London, UK.
• Unfair Fair, curated by Vincent Honore, 1:1 projects, Rome, IT
• The Infinite Library – invited by Ruth Keshishian, Moufflon Bookshop, Nicosia, CY (∞)
• Gerisch Stiftung – curated by Andrea Domesle. Neumünster, DE
• Stille Landschaft – Kunsthalle Lüdenscheidt, DE

• Garten Eden, curated by Nils Ohlsen, Katharina Henkel and Sabine Schlenker, Kunsthalle Emden, DE
• Man Group Prize 2007, RCA, London, UK
• Erscheinen/Verschwinden -curated by Michael Staab. Kunsthalle Bunkier Sztuki, Krakow, PL (catalogue)
• A song turning Inward – curated by John Timberlake. OneTwenty Gallery, Gent, B
• Photography Festival Krakow, PL (catalogue)
• Liebe Zum Licht -Kunstmuseum Bochum, Städt. Galerie Celle, DE (catalogue)
• Apparaitre/ Disparaitre – curated by Michael Staab, Goethe Institute, Paris, FR

• Gift -MuseumMAN, Liverpool Biennial. curated by Penny Whitehead & Daniel Simpkins, UK
• Liebe zum Licht -Stadtische Galerie Delmenhorst, Delmenhorst & Kunstmuseum Celle, DE (catalogue)
• Open Call -Westfälischen Kunstvereins. Münster, DE
• Objects in Waiting -Curated by Tom Newell and Penny Whitehead. Psalter Lane Campus, Sheffield Hallam University, UK
• George Polke Presents, 13+ showreel, London, UK
• Jerwood Photography Award, Royal Pump Rooms, Lexington, UK
• Broken Romanticism, hoxton showroom. curated by Steve Walter. London. UK

• Jahresgaben, Westfälischer Kunstverein, Münster. Germany, catalogue
• Jerwood Photography Award -supported by Portfolio Magazine. London/ Edinburgh, UK
• Bind Sports, tank.tv. London. UK
• No Mans Land, supported by Deutsche Bank Pyramid Award. Pallas Heights. Dublin, IR
• Landscapes, Galeria Graça Brandao, Porto, P
• Bartolomeu 5, in collaboration with Ana Joao Romana, Lisboa, P

• Salon de Montrouge -Paris. France / Amarante, Portugal, (catalogue)
• Pyramid Award Showcase, Design Museum, London, UK
• The Tindell Effect, Space Place, London, UK, (catalogue)
• View from the Sitting Room, curated by Ann Mulrooney, Cassland, London, UK
• The Tindell Effect, Euroart Gallery, Tottenham, UK

• New Contemporaries – Cornerhouse. Manchester and Victoria Miro Warehouse. London. UK, (catalogue)
• Pastoral -Dicksmith Gallery, London, UK
• Junger Westen -Kunsthalle Reckinghausen, Recklinghausen, DE (catalogue)
• Arrivals, Pumphouse Gallery, London, UK
• Premiere Vue, curated by Michel Nuridsany, Passage de Retz, Paris. F, (catalogue)
• The Guardian Hodge Award – Newsroom, Observer London. UK


Daniel Gustav Cramer 
published on the occasion of Habit-co-Habit (Pune Biennale).

curated by Luca Cerizza and Zasha Colah; edited by Daniel Gustav Cramer and Henry Andersen, Berlin, Brussels; edition of 1000; printed by PMC Printing Press, Pune, India . (cm 21.5 x 14)

marathi / eng

Daniel Gustav Cramer
01-72 Daniel Gustav Cramer
A two-part publication accompanying the exhibition 01–72, by Daniel Gustav Cramer, curated by Samuel Leuenberger at SALTS in Birsfelden, Switzerland.

texts by Kirsty Bell, Quinn Latimer, and Samuel Leuenberger; published by Samuel Leuenberger and Christophe Daviet-Therygraphic; 36 pp.;  72 color and 2 b&w images, softcover; graphic design Ronnie Fueglister in collaboration with Daniel Gustav Cramer. (cm 20.5 x 29)


Daniel Gustav Cramer
Three Sheep
published on the occasion of the exhibition La Kunshalle Mulhouse, France

20 p.; edition of 500. (cm 28 x 20)
Daniel Gustav Cramer
Tales 71

Tales 71 (Lago d’Iseo, Italy, March 2014), 2015.
published by Massimo Minini, Brescia; 16 p.; edition of 500 (cm 23 x 17)

Daniel Gustav Cramer and Harris Epaminonda
Early Summer The End of Summer Late Autumn

edited by João Mourão, Luís SIlva; texts by Ana Teixeira Pinto, Luca Cerizza; published by Kunsthalle Lissabon, Lisboa, Mousse Publishing, Milano; 135 p.; offset color print; graphic design Nuno da Luz w/ Daniel Gustav Cramer and Haris Epaminonda .  (cm 29 x 22)


Daniel Gustav Cramer
published on thr occasion of the exhibition at Dortmunder Kunstverein

published by The Green Book, Berlin; 80 p.; graphic design Anja Lutz (cm 20 x 28,5)

Daniel Gustav Cramer

published by Kunststiftung NRW, Düsseldorf; 44 p.; edition of 600;  layout Daniel Gustav Cramer with Bodo Writz. (cm 22.5 x 17)
