Plant Kingdom
curated by Flóra Gadó, Dalma Eszter Kollár
with works by Andro Eradze, Chiara Camoni, Daniel Gustav Cramer, Esther Kläs, Finn Theuws, Francesco Carone, Helena Hladilová, Luca Bertolo, Santi Alleruzzo and Vicente Baeza
La Collectionneuse
curated by Luca Lo Pinto
with works from Silvia Fiorucci’s collection
It takes three to tango
Flowering and Fading, 2024
A film by Andro Eradze
Gaze Is a Bridge (Pogled je most), 2024
Last Night I Dreamt of Manderley
curated by Daniel Malarkey
Gli anni cap.1
curated by Eva Fabbris
The Last Terminal III, Part 4: Dormitorium
Senza mai sfiorire
Densità e leggerezza nella scultura contemporanea italiana
curated by Saverio Verini
Big Fortune
opening December 6, 2024
from 6pm to 8pm
The Gatherers
curated by Ruba Katrib
Ma sedendo e mirando. L’intruso
curated by Alessandro Zechini
Gaze Is a Bridge (Pogled je most, 2023)
Now part of the Muzeum Sztuki in Łódź’s collection
Inizio fine. Rotondo. Tutte le cose del mondo.
Co-published with Palazzo Collicola, Spoleto
Edited by Saverio Verini
DESIDERIO. Atto secondo
Glass and the Ocean
opening November 5, 2024
from 6pm to 9pm
video project Raised in the dust
with works by Andro Eradze, Chiara Camoni, Francesco Carone, Esther Kläs, Daniel Gustav Cramer, Helena Hladilová, Luca Bertolo, Ode de Kort, Finn Theuws and Vicente Baeza
Nurture Gaia
Book launch and conversation
between Esther Kläs and Marc Navarro
published by zolo press
La poesia della terra 2
curated by Antonio Grulli
No Time for Prophecies
curated by Chiara Ianeselli con Davide Daninos
Artists Making Books: Pages of Refuge
curated by Ilaia Puri Purini, Sebastian Hierl, Lexi Eberspacher and Johanne Affricot
with Chiara Camoni’s book (Di)segnare il tempo, 2006
opening September 26, 2024
from 6pm to 9pm
Truly Rural
curated by Bernardo Follini
Angels. Cinquant’anni di storie del Pastificio Cerere
curated by Marcello Smarrelli
Pensare come una montagna #2
works by Il Parlamento delle Marmotte
curated by Lorenzo Giusti
Tales (solo)
curated by Lilian Froger
Fifteen Years of Love at the Pangolin Republic
curated by Filipa Ramos
curated by Elena Volpato and Davide Ferri
murmur, buzz, hiss and rub
Synonyms for cardboard
curated by Ruben Raven
How to Imagine Difference
Luca Bertolo. L’Hésitation
The catalogue published by Viaindustriae with texts by Elena Volpato and Davide Ferri
Panorama Monferrato
a project by ITALICS Art and Landscape
curated by Carlo Falciani
Selects: Libby Rothfeld, 2016-2024
Balancing Conflicts, Cure and Care and Imagining Futures
Artiste, Toscana, Futuro
As of now
Ecologie minerali
curated by Alice Labor
Europe Where Have You Displaced Love?, 2019
single channel audio-video HD, 29’26’’
curated by Saverio Verini
Making Space
curated by Jelmer Wijnstroom
Inizio fine. Rotondo. Tutte le cose del mondo.
curated by Saverio Verini
Being Mediterranean
curated by Rahmouna Boutayeb
Rhizome – Network Without Center Point
curated by Seolhui Lee
The Parliament of Marmots
curated by Lorenzo Giusti with Marta Papini
Una boccata d’arte
curated by Giovanni Rendina
67th edition of
Festival dei Due Mondi
curated by Flaminia Bonino and Laura Perrone
curated by Elena Volpato
I will watch with you
curated by Zuzana Blochová
curated by Laura Garbarino
curated by Laura Garbarino
Raised in the Dust
Chiamare a raduno. Sorelle. Falene e fiammelle. Ossa di leonesse, pietre e serpentesse.
The catalogue published by Marisilio with texts by Lucia Aspesi, Fiammetta Griccioli, Andrea Villani, Chus Martinez, Alice Motard, Domitilla Dardi, Anna Anguissola
with works by Luca Bertolo, Chiara Camoni, Esther Kläs, Giulia Cenci, Helena Hladilova, Francesco Carone, Andro Eradze, Daniel Gustav Cramer, Finn Theuws, Santi Alleruzzo
curated by Massimiliano Gioni
Postaccio Fantastico Giardino
INA-Casa Via del Mare, nuovi spazi di socialità
’60 Pop Art Italia
Infinita infanzia
Pratiques cosmomorphes – (Ré)générer le vivant
Chiara Camoni in conversation with Cecilia Canziani
Chiamare a raduno. Sorelle. Falene e fiammelle. Ossa di leonesse, pietre e serpentesse.
March 8, h 7pm
curated by Angela Madesani
Chiamare a raduno. Sorelle. Falene e fiammelle. Ossa di leonesse, pietre e serpentesse
curated by Lucia Aspesi and Fiammetta Griccioli
January 17th, 2024, 18.00
January 27th, 2024, 16.00-19.00
The performance will take place at 17.00 and 18.00
Sheher, Prakriti, Devi
curated by Gauri Gill
Comunicare con l’invisibile
curated by Zorana Đaković Minniti
Whispers, world above, world below
opening: 18.11.23, 16:00-20:00
with works by Andro Eradze, Chiara Camoni, Esther Kläs, Francesco Carone, Libby Rothfeld, Giulia Cenci, Helena Hladilová, Luca Bertolo, Finn Theuws and Santi Alleruzzo
Pittura Italiana Oggi
curated by Damiano Gullì
Tesori etruschi. La collezione Castellani tra storia e moda
Giuseppe De Mattia
Figlio di Gazza
curated by Vasco Forconi
Special Guest
Luca Bertolo
Serpenti ragni falene. Cipolle fiori e cantilene
Arazzi (2023)
Memory is an Editing Station
22nd Biennial Sesc_Videobrasil | 40-Year Special
curated by Raphael Fonseca and Renée Akitelek Mboya
Artistic Director: Solange Farkas
XXVII edition of Biennale di Gubbio
curated by Spazio Taverna
Workshop Threads of Nature. On weaving. with Chiara Camoni
edited by Elena Volpato
promoted by GAM, Turin and supported by Italian Council Program 2022
6:30 pm
Arena Paolini
edited by Elena Volpato
promoted by GAM, Turin and supported by Italian Council Program 2022
6:30 pm
Long-Distance Friendships
curated by Inga Lace and Alicia Knock
Gems! For the Garden
curated by Living Content
We didn’t ask permission, we just did it…
curated by Manuela Paz and Christopher Rivera of Embajada
curated by Dana Žaja
Saturday 29 July
18:10 – 19:00 First part of participatory performance
Sunday 30 July
10:30 – 11:20 Second part of participatory performance
Détour: Selected works from the FRAC Bretagne collection
curated by Chris Clarke
Niche Construction
curated by Adam Vačkář and Jindřich Brejcha / Transparent Eyeball
A city-wide exhibition curated by Cristiana Perrella
Workshop Serpentesse, with Chiara Camoni
from 10am to 6pm
Serpentesse Book launch + conversation between Elena Volpato and Chiara Camoni, moderated by Matilde Seabra
at 5pm
among the winners of Italian Council 2023 – 12th Edition promoted by MiC – Direzione Generale Creatività Contemporanea (DGCC)
Domus Contemporanea
curated by Margherita De Pilati and Andrea Viliani
We Are They: Glitch Ecology and the Thickness of Now
talk: Il ruolo della critica
part of QUORUM. Un festival d’arte contemporanea
June 11, 2023
h. 3 pm
workshop and book launch presented by The Green Parrot
Saturday June 10, 2023
10.30 am – 3 pm
Poetry Festival Long Song For Summer II
organized by the87press and Camden Art Centre
with Short film Programme by F(r)ictions
June 10, 2023
2pm – 10pm
curated by Ana Anacleto
Wildwuchs Festival
screening of Shoum
Friday 02.06 – h. 7pm-11pm
Saturday 03.06 – h. 5pm-11p
Sunday 04.06 – h. 3pm-7pm
PRE-SALE /virgin/waste/renewable
On the meaning of “Gossip”
curated by Marta Pellerini
Premio Termoli LXIII
curated by Cristiana Perrella
I constantly wonder what time it is where you are
curated by Hana Ostan Ožbolt
in memory of Silke Otto-Knapp
moderated by Chus Martìnez and Quinn Latimer
(on-site and online)
Tsinamdzgvrishvili str N49 / Mazniashvili str N10
Impatiens Tremens
central exhibition of Romanian Creative Week
artist residency
ZACentrale x Fondazione Merz
opening: Friday 28.04.2023 – 3 pm
with the presence of the artist and Elena Volpato
La montagna che vide l’elefante
curated by ARTECO and CRIPTA747
Libby Rothfeld and John Knight at Apparatus Projects
Notizie dalla terra 1968.2028
curated by Irene Biolchini and Ruggero Montrasio
with works by Andro Eradze, Chiara Camoni, Daniel Gustav Cramer, Esther Kläs, Francesco Carone, Giulia Cenci, Helena Hladilová, Luca Bertolo, Nona Inescu and Santi Alleruzzo
hall 3 – booth A29
Matrix Bodies
curated by Frederike Sperling
IV4: Leila Bordreuil, Michael Speers & Ode de Kort
presented by les ateliers claus and iv-in vitro
Grey Gardens
curated by Alessandra Prandin
Der Raum überwindet Zeit und Mensch
decentering in Ceramics
curated by Giulia Pollicita
entre chien et loup
Four artists’ films projection
February 15, 2023, 7 pm
Drawings by Sculptors
curated by Carl D’Alvia
Introverse: Allegory Today
curated by Howie Chen and Alex Ito
curated by Matilde Galletti and organized by Karussell
, in the break ,
curated by Martina Munivrana
Becoming Flower
curated by Hélène Guenin
and Rébecca François
Becoming Flower
curated by Hélène Guenin
and Rébecca François
curated by Andrea Lerda
Performance of Chiara Camoni and Centro di Sperimentazione
GAM, Arena Paolini
h. 10:30
with works by Luca Bertolo, Chiara Camoni, Giulia Cenci, Daniel Gustav Cramer, David Jablonowski, Ode De Kort, Andro Eradze, Helena Hladilova, Nona Inescu, Esther Kläs, Umberto Buscioni and Santi Alleruzzo
Chiara Camoni – Atelier dell’Errore
curated by Elena Volpato
The Floating Collection
curated by Lorenzo Balbi e Caterina Molteni
h. 20.00
Nu Falmer Skoven
curated by Lene Crone Jensen
curated by Niekolaas Johannes Lekkerkerk
regard sur la collection IAC, une proposition de Laurent Montaron
curated by Adriana Blidaru
Soft Machines
We didn’t ask permission, we just did it…
curated by Manuela Paz and Christopher Rivera of Embajada
An Anticolonial Museum
curated by Ana Sladojević
A Black Tinted Sunset
with Alejandro Cesarco
a city-wide exhibition
curated by Vincenzo de Bellis
Daniel Gustav Cramer, with Haris Epaminonda, is participating at Manifesta 14, Prishtina.
Presented at “Grand Scheme of Things” at the Grand Hotel Prishtina.
Museum unter Tage, Maria Bremer & Markus Heinzelmann in conversation with David Jablonowski
at 5 p.m.
Afterimage – curated by Alessandro Rabottini and Bartolomeo Pietromarchi
Oblivion, abundance and aquarius (the age of)
Plant Kingdom
curated by Flóra Gadó, Dalma Eszter Kollár
Universal Exports – Summer exhibition
1897. Dove andiamo?
Oberhausen International Short Film Festival
Theme program, “Solidarity as Disruption”
curated by Branka Benčić and Aleksandra Sekulić
Persones Persons
curated by Lucia Pietroiusti and Filipa Ramos
Chiara Camoni and table companions
curated by Caterina Avataneo
Autoritratto (una luna) e altre storie
curated by Ilaria Mariotti
Relics. Quarries. Reliquaries.
Forra, fiorame, fogliame. Mondo di sopra, mondo di sotto. E piccole creature
Seminar: April 12 – 6.00 pm with the participation of Michele Tocca | Parco della Mole Adriana
Banquet: April 12 – 8.00 pm | IUNO
Exhibition: April 13 – June 13 | IUNO
Curated by Lindsay Harris, interim Andrew Heiskell Arts Director, and Elizabeth Rodini, interim Director.
Aliens are temporary
curated by Sylvia Sadzinski
Do Animals Go To Heaven?
a group show organized by Collezione Agovino
A Matter of Life and Death
curated by Jenni Lomax
with works by Luca Bertolo, Chiara Camoni, Giulia Cenci, Daniel Gustav Cramer, David Jablonowski, Helena Hladilová and Esther Kläs
Missing. . .
Zijn naam was Austerlitz/Austerlitz was his name
a collaboration with Tlön Projects
curated by Sam Steverlynck
La Vie matérielle
curated by Marina Dacci
Kunst in Puurs
with David Altmejd
curated by Wilfried Cooreman
Per un Manifesto della nuova ceramica: calendario di incontri per investigare la ceramica del XXI secolo
curated by Irene Biolchini
La plastica, la scultura, il ritratto (e l’autoritratto)
Katarina Zdjelar: Rehearsing Closeness
initiated by Konstantin Haubrok
Chemical City
texts by Esther Leslie
Our Silver City, 2094
based on a methodology by Prem Krishnamurthy
Per un Manifesto della nuova ceramica: calendario di incontri per investigare la ceramica del XXI secolo
curated by Irene Biolchini
L’incontro. Il workshop, la performance e la ceramica.
On this occasion Disco Tornio will be presented in Italian preview
Suspension of (dis)belief
with works by Luca Bertolo, Chiara Camoni, Giulia Cenci, Daniel Gustav Cramer, Nona Inescu and Esther Kläs
curated by Sergey Kantsedal
text by Antonio Grulli
special guest: Chiara Camoni
Speakers: Francesco Carone, Ilaria Mariotti, Alessandro Rabottini
November 5, 2021, 4pm – 5pm
Proximities, a rehearsal, an archive
curated by Lucy Cotter
L’ITALIA È UN GIARDINO. Di ricerche estetiche agresti
curated by Geraldine Blais
Understudies: I, Myself Will Exhibit Nothing
curated by Iman Issa
And the flowers too
in collaboration with Davide Ferri
texts by Davide Ferri and Jo Melvin
La Meraviglia
curated by Alice Motard
with a solo show by Santi Alleruzzo
How to Be Together
An exhibition by and with The Golden Pixel Cooperative
Conceived by Enar de Dios Rodríguez, Olena Newkryta, and Marlies Poeschl
Portraits ( and so castels made of sand melt into the sea eventually)
How to disappear…
You sit in a garden
curated by Chris Andrews
Life and Herstories (Autobiografia come Dialogo)
curated by Daria Filardo
24.09 Conference /Discussion, with Sandra Burchi, Chiara Camoni, Cecilia Canziani, Daria Filardo, Stefania Galegati, Elena Magini, Arabella Natalini
25.09 – 29.10.2021 Exhibition: Art /Life: autobiographies and common practices: Chiara Camoni and Stefania Galegati
Empty Room III
TITOLO l’edito inedito
Cap V – Etere
curated by Federica Maria Giallombardo
with a solo show by Ode De Kort
with works by Luca Bertolo, Umberto Buscioni, Chiara Camoni, Giulia Cenci, Daniel Gustav Cramer and Esther Kläs
Tongues of Time
curated by Özlem Altin, in occasion of the Open Studio – Villa Romana Fellows 2021 and 2020
The Odd Year II,
curated by Veronika Čechová
an island-wide exhibition curated by Vincenzo de Bellis and presented by ITALICS
Group Portrait: sixty years of the Museum of Contemporary Art
curated by Una Popović
Watou Arts Festival 2021
Esther Kläs & Gustavo Gomes
curated by Benedicte Goesaert, Chantal Pattyn and Peter Verhelst
Deux Soeurs
curated by Alice Motard
Lost Weekend
an exhibition in two spaces
curated by Ilaria Mariotti
winner of
Contemporary Art Section
Electric Crossroads
curated by Radu Oreian
«Not all houses are home*
*J’habite une pivoine»
A collective exhibition according to a curatorial by
David Pons for Gros OEuvre.
curated by Antonio Grulli
within Art City Bologna
book your visit from May 2, 2021 at
Radically Naive / Naively Radical
curated by Joachim Naudts
Sul principio di contraddizione
curated by Elena Volpato
Method/ology and
Artistic Research
April 26, 2021, from 9.30 am
Tine Guns, Inge Ketelers & Isolde Vanhee: Bioscopic Books
with publications selected by Liene Aerts
Otros Tiempos
curated by Rosa Léo
You sit in a garden
curated by Chris Andrews
with works by Luca Bertolo, Giulia Cenci,
Daniel Gustav Cramer, Nona Inescu, Esther Kläs
Io dico Io – I say I
curated by Cecilia Canziani, Lara Conte e Paola Ugolini
When in Doubt, Go to a Museum
curated by Tevž Logar
ll (elle elle) (long lines)
On Survival
curated by Caterina Avataneo
Luca Bertolo is now part of GAM’s collection with the videoinstallation Kaputt
The work has been selected as one of the winning projects of Cantica21, an open call aimed to support the presence of Italian contemporary artists in public collections and present them internationally.
Das kleine Spiel zwischen dem Ich und dem Mir. Kunst und Choreografie
17a Quadriennale
curated by Sarah Cosulich and
Stefano Collicelli Cagol
Santi Alleruzzo
Mediterranean light
The Promise: Artists to Benefit CCA Tel Aviv
co-curated by Nicola Trezzi, and Thomas Rom
(open by appointment)
Artissima Unplugged
online catalogue
On Photographic Beings
curated by Paulius Petraitis
Voice Over
curated by Maayan Sheleff
ITALICS Art and Landscape is an all-digital editorial platform that spotlights the profound cultural experiences cultivated on the Italian territory by its most celebrated gallerists, exploring the extraordinary art heritage of the country.
as part of Master PACS – Arti Performative e Spazi Comunitari
A Word that Troubles
curated by Gaia Bobò
Was machen Sie um zwei? Ich schlafe
participation in solo exhibition of gerlach en koop
Tales / solo
curated by Lilian Froger
a publication will accompany the exhibition
Artifices instables
Storie di ceramiche
curated by Cristiano Raimondi
Daniel Gustav Cramer + Joana Escoval
SGABELLO COLLECTION: In Search of the Miraculous
curated by Liesbeth Willems
La giusta misura: RIPETIZIONI
workshop a cura di Chiara Camoni e Cecilia Canziani.
Lecture di Gian Antonio Gilli
11th Berlin Biennale for Contemporary art
Flagge zeigen / show true colors
in collaboration with Haris Epaminonda
curated by Susanne Prinz / infected landscapes
Olev Subbi: Landscape From the End of Times
curated by Àngels Miralda
25 of 78 – International Media Art from the Series HMKV Video of the Month
curated by Inke Arns
Walking In Ice
curated by Justin Polera & Jesi Khadivi
Storia Notturna
curated by Denis Isaia and Simone Frangi
with works by
with a work by
Affected Words II. Regime of distortion
curated by Marìa Morata
The Infinite Library
Haris Epaminonda and Daniel Gustav Cramer
“Is This The Museum We Wanted? The Narva Version”
curated by Rael Artel
Ode de Kort
David Jablonowski
Maybe it can be different
Pendant que les Champs Brûlent
The Performance Show
curated by Zippora Elders as part of Art Rotterdam
Le realtà ordinarie
curated by Davide Ferri
Luca Bertolo in conversation with Davide Ferri
December 1, 2019 at 11 am
Artissima Telephone
a project by Ilaria Bonacossa and curated by Vittoria Martini
About this and that. The self and the other. Like everything.
L’homme qui marche
Verkörperung des Sperrigen
curated by Jutta Hülsewig-Johnen and Friedrich Meschede
Book launch , meno (2018),
Francesco Carone in conversation with Pietro Gaglianò
a project by Eva Marisaldi and Enrico Serotti
in collaboration with PAC Padiglione di Arte Contemporanea
October 13, at 5.30 pm
RESIDENZA D’ARTISTA / edizione 2019
curated by MCZ
The long term you cannot afford.
On the distribution of the toxic.
curated by Antonia Alampi
curated by Denis Isaia
permanent exhibition of works
from AGI VERONA collection
curated by Sara Giannini
curated by Nicola Trezzi
I remember earth